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Small-Mid Cap Core Equity
Strong risk adjusted returns over a full market cycle regardless of the market environment
- Bottom-up, fundamental stock research
- Disciplined Stock Selection: Seek to identify high-quality stocks that exhibit a specific set of financial characteristics with steady and consistent growth over a multi-year time frame
- Low Turnover: Long-term investment horizon results in a deeper understanding of a company’s business strategy and market positioning, allowing us to capitalize on short-term stock volatility, trade around existing positions, and potentially generate favorable upside/downside capture
- Conviction-Weighted Approach: Conviction weighting such that the top ten names typically represent greater than 20% of the portfolio.
- Utilizes the longstanding investment approach of Palisade's Small Cap Core Equity strategy: Consistent investment philosophy and process with our flagship equity strategy
Russell 2500™ Index
News & Insights

Friday, February 14, 2025
Veru: Discussions on tariffs are negotiation means to an end
Dan Veru, Palisade Capital CIO, appeared on CNBC this morning, stating tariffs are negotiation tools, with companies ada...

Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Small/Smid Cap Market Update
Palisade Chief Investment Officer Dan Veru shares our current thoughts on stocks – small and smid-caps in particular - a...

Friday, August 16, 2024
Dan Veru Appears on CNBC's "Worldwide Exchange"
Palisade Senior Partner and Chief Investment Officer Dennison T. Veru appeared on CNBC this morning to discuss current m...